Seeking a renewed focus on more traditional espresso machines, ones that don't hold your hand so much.
CoffeeGeek Team and 1 others
A curated collection of culinary #coffee and #espresso pursuits in the written format, found all over the Internet. Content written by real people, on real coffee subjects. No AI. No marketing posts. No vendor written reviews. Curated by the staff at but featuring content from a wide variety of sources.
Most recent stories in CoffeeGeek'ery
They have been, for a long time - coffee competitions falling out of favour.
One of our favourite machines at CoffeeGeek in the past few years has seen a $200+ price drop in the USA - the Superkop espresso machine.
We take a look at the flagship super automatic from the industry leader in bean to cup machines, Jura. The Z10 is a feature packed powerhouse of an automated robot barista for your home.
A new manual grinder with a trick up its sleeve: it can sieve the fines out of your coffee. Here's our first look at the MHW-3Bomber manual grinder! #coffee #espresso
Surely you don't have enough tools for your espresso prep! Here's one more to consider: an automated WDT tool for levelling the bed of coffee in an espresso portafilter - the MHW-3Bomber Cyclone Tool. This is CoffeeGeek's mini review of the product.