"O.T. 981 - Transformation of the Kite" is inspired by the chinese invention of the kite by philosophers Mozi and Lu Ban. Mozi (BCE 470-391) lived a century later than Confucius and wrote about the use of kites in China during his lifetime. After their invention kites were not only, but mainly used for military purposes, e.g. for measuring distances, calculating wind power and direction and lifting fireworks or observers. Our main interest in kites were the facts, that their origin is chinese and that is a philosophical invention, which was then used for military purposes. Over centuries it was spread out over the globe and used for different activities, from sports, leisure to also religious significance. The art work can experienced with the whole body and all senses - the sculpture invites everybody to step in and feel the dimensions of the „kite“. Together with the animation all visitors can dive into a contemplative interaction with the installation. We provide a link from the traditional chinese kite making to our western interpretation of the kite and emphasize the development of the kite from a military invention to a civil use today.

View project on CODAworx: codaworx.com/project/o-t-transformation-of-the-kite-here-your-art-shanghai https://vimeo.com/304101417

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