“3 windows each 8 metres high X 3 metres wide Antique handmade mouth blown glass acid etched and painted, bonded to toughened safety glass.”

CODAmagazine: The Magic of Color II
Celebrating visual art’s core on a nuanced level: design + art projects that vividly show the transformative qualities that color has on space.
Most recent stories in CODAmagazine: The Magic of Color II
“The project was commissioned by president of the company who is also a leading local art philanthropist. He has a focus on showcasing regional artist’s work along with national artists in his developments. With this project I collaborated with him, an architect, and a lighting designer to make the artwork an integral feature of the lobby.”
“This piece highlights the multiple ways in which light challenges the perception of color, form and structure. “Black Ladder,” a 30-foot-tall sculpture created by French-American artist Stephen Dean, was installed in the center’s main stairwell window at Rice University’s Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies, which is set into the front façade on the east side of the building. Dean’s sculpture employs varied panels of dichroic glass framed within the form of a ladder and fills the width and height of the window. Reminiscent of a cathedral’s stained glass window, the sculpture filters natural light through its glass during the day and projects an array of color onto the floors and wall. Each glass panel is composed of multiple colors and has both reflective and translucent qualities. After dark, the sculpture is lit and visible to those within the building and passers-by outside.”
“Ignacio Cadena and Héctor Esrawe’s, Los Trompos, or ‘spinning tops’ at Discovery Green® is made up of twenty interactive structures that draws inspiration from spinning tops, a common toy around the world. The colorful surfaces are partially created by fabric woven in a traditional style and each top has a unique shape that is inspired by the traditional Latin American design, architecture and folk art. Los Trompos is fully complete when visitors interact with the installation and collaborate together to spin the structures bringing Los Trompos to life and creating a kaleidoscope of movement.”
“Tysons Tiles is two visually compelling ground murals that raise community awareness of potential for public art and the arts at Tysons. Data collected from over 1,000 individuals is visually translated into a vibrant design creating awareness about the arts, using arts to enhance place making, and provide vision for future enhancements in Tysons. It is also a place for fun- come invent games wit the tiles and play! Alumigraphics floor vinyl over 6000 square feet”
“Playful Prisms started as an exploration of color: warm versus cool colors and the natural progression of sunlight from daytime into night. It became an interactive study of colors, patterns, shapes and objects. Visitors are encouraged to turn the orange handles until each display case is filled with matching surfaces-- all four prisms can be turned to show the flat painted sides (which make a picture), pattern of washers, or collection of found objects. All twelve prisms may be matched to form larger patterns across the wall, or rearranged by each visitor for maximum enjoyment.”