CODAworxSculpting the space between art and life in the work of John Prout - CODAworxcodaworx.comOf all figures on earth, the human form is perhaps the most challenging for artists to represent and the most sought after for its tangible …
CODAworxFlipboardIcon version of the Flipboard logoCODAmagazine Table of Contents The Living Form V - CODAworxcodaworx.comThe Living Form V: Celebrating animate organisms in all their diversity: design + art projects that dynamically characterize the natural life forms …
CODAworxAmerican Kennel Club Museum of the Dog - CODAworxcodaworx.comAnything is PAWSIBLE in New York City, including the opening of a brand new dazzling museum devoted entirely to DOGS! The American Kennel Club’s …
CODAworxANIMALIA - - Federico UribeIntertwining bullet shells and other unconventional objects (color pencils, neckties, books, plastic and garden tools, electric wires, etc.) to …
CODAworxFlipboardIcon version of the Flipboard logoASANA - CODAworxcodaworx.comCODAworx is Undergoing Maintenance