Commentary: I still can't say adieu or get off a certain starter word train. Yes, that's a hint. Wordle, the New York Times-owned online puzzle, celebrated its 1,000th game on March 15. I can't be the only Wordle player who wondered if the chosen word that day might be kind of special. Maybe super …
All Things Wordle
Wordle is still one of the biggest puzzle games on the planet. When all is said and done, 2022 may go down as the year of Wordle. Its become a daily staple for millions around the world. By this time you're mostly likely vaguely aware of Wordle, but if you're looking for insights into its origins, …
These words broke many a streak... Earlier in 2022, when Wordle was at the peak of its popularity, folks would go nuts if that day's Wordle was weird or difficult. But what was the toughest Wordle of 2022? This's precisely what gaming site I'm a Puzzle attempted to figure out, trawling through data …
Commentary: The New York Times acquisition of Wordle feels like the end of something. But it's been my favorite part of this year. Someday, years from now, we'll look back and remember social media feeds dense with Wordle grids. They'll pop back up as reminders or Facebook memories, like the …
Wordle News
Keep Playing For Free
It's possible to download Wordle. Wordle moved to the NYT website a while ago now, but thankfully it's still free -- despite the Times changing some of the original answers. But if you're nervous about losing Wordle, don't panic. You can download the game now to keep playing it for free on your …
Tips, Tricks and How to Win
Memes and Jokes
Who knew green, yellow and gray boxes could be so amusing? The next Wordle word puzzle appears online in 10 hours, 26 minutes and 5 seconds, so I'll see y'all after my 10-hour, 25-minute nap! And I'm not the only one obsessed with this little word game, which posts only one new word puzzle every 24 …
The Bat-Signal, a Spidey suit, Ted Lasso and more all show up on a Wordle-style grid. To be, or not to be? Wordle, or Not Wordle? Wildly popular online game Wordle has spawned a meme playing off the game's colorful grid format, and some pretty famous names are joining in. It's a pretty simple format. …
Don't Be a Party Pooper
Commentary: The answers are hidden in the game's code, but honestly, why would you go looking? This is why we can't have nice things. Apparently all of the upcoming answers for Wordle, the simple word-guessing game that's earned so much social buzz, are hidden in the game's code. We know this …