CCHow to Turn Off iMessage on - Paul HorowitzSome Mac users may wish to not receive messages, iMessages, and texts messages on their Mac, but by default if you have logged into iCloud on a Mac …
CCHow to fix a MacBook that won't chargeMacworld - Karen HaslamHere's what to do if your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air battery is dead and it won't change, or if the charger isn't working. Check the connections We …
CC5 things you should never do with your MacBookverified_publisherDigital Trends - By Alex BlakeAll of Apple’s best MacBooks are well-known for their superb build quality and remarkable longevity. But that doesn’t mean they’re indestructible, …
CC17 Best macOS Sonoma Hidden - Vikhyat RishiEver since Apple announced macOS Sonoma, the brand-new and big features remained in the limelight. So, you may have probably heard about desktop …
CCHow to set up profiles in Safari on macOS Sonomaverified_publisherThe Verge - David NieldYou can now keep your browsing identities separate in Apple’s desktop browser. With macOS Sonoma, Apple’s Safari browser is catching up with Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and other competitors by introducing profiles: separate spaces that you can set up in the app to better organize your browsing. Each …
CCSecure your Mac like a rockstar — 5 easy life hacks to stay safe onlineverified_publisherTNW - Callum BoothYes, hackers and cybersecurity professionals are still engaged in a constant game of cat and mouse to exploit and fix loopholes, but the world around this has altered substantially. These days 80% of Mac users say they’re informed about cyber threats, a far cry from the old days. Yet, while new tools …