Avatar - Claudio Villa

Claudio Villa





  • Avatar - Claudio Villa
    Claudio Villa
    flipped into Humor
    Here's how a $50 drop in oil prices affects every country in the world

    Here's how a $50 drop in oil prices affects every country in the world

    The oil crash has affected oil importers and exporters differently. The 50% plunge in oil prices will provide a roughly $1.7 trillion gain for consumers in oil-importing nations, according to the investment-management firm BlackRock. But exporters will suffer, especially countries that are counting …

  • http://mashable.com/2013/10/15/humans-of-new-york/

    Avatar - Claudio Villa
    Claudio Villa
    flipped into Viajes y Turismo
    Avatar - Joe Ortiz
    Joe Ortiz
  • www.wunderlist.com

    Avatar - Claudio Villa
    Claudio Villa
  • http://www.microsiervos.com/archivo/tecnologia/photon-escaner-3d-asequible.html

    Avatar - Claudio Villa
    Claudio Villa
  • http://wwwhatsnew.com/2013/03/28/google-maps-amplia-su-informacion-de-horarios-de-transporte-publico-en-tiempo-real/

    Avatar - Claudio Villa
    Claudio Villa
  • http://www.blogdehumor.com/a-los-ninos-les-encantan-los-perros/

    Avatar - Claudio Villa
    Claudio Villa