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Charles Reed Cagle

Born in 1962, Charles Reed Cagle grew up in Clarksville, Texas. Reed Cagle and Donna Cagle have been married for 30 years. They moved to Colorado Springs in 1999 and returned to Plano, Texas in 2018. Charles Reed Cagle has been involved in the energy sector for 35 years. Reed Cagle joined Kinlaw Oil Corporation in 1986. In 1996, he moved to Dallas, Texas, to help launch a small independent energy firm. Mr. Cagle has been President and CEO of Heartland Energy, Inc. since 1997. Drilling and service companies, geophysicists, and other energy professionals were all hired to assist him. Charles Reed Cagle designed a 2000 horsepower drilling equipment capable of drilling 20,000 feet in 2006. Charles Reed Cagle began working in mining in the US and South America in 2011. He had bought an Oregon mining concession with almost 89,000 troy ounces of gold in it. Charles Reed Cagle helps fund and run a copper and gold processing plant in Copiapo, Chile.





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