Brian Kersten Minnesota
Brian Kersten Minnesota, raised on a farm in Appleton, Wisconsin, has dedicated his life to veterinary medicine. His early passion for animals led him to earn a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science with high distinction from the University of Minnesota in 1977. In 2021, he founded Mercy Veterinary Service in Baldwin, Wisconsin, a low-cost clinic ensuring pets receive essential care regardless of their owners' finances. His specialties include small animal medicine, surgery, and dentistry. He also serves as a relief veterinarian in Amery, Wisconsin. After earning his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 1983, he spent 2.5 years in Haiti on humanitarian projects. He returned to the U.S., purchased a practice in Baldwin in 2001, and led it until 2016, also serving as President of the Pierce St. Croix Humane Society. Married with four grown children, he volunteers at Today’s Harvest Food Shelf and supports Mercy Corps and Barefoot Crow Animal Rescue.
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- Brian Kersten Minnesotaflipped into Brian Kersten Minnesota