Brain TeezerWhat Is Ockham’s Razor? - Vanja SuboticWilliam of Ockham—philosopher, logician, theologian, Franciscan friar, and enemy of the church—has largely been accredited with the idea of Ockham’s …
Brain Teezer5 Quotes by Kant - Viktoriya SusIn the 18th century, Immanuel Kant became the link between two eras–Enlightenment and Romanticism. The founder of classical German philosophy refuted …
Brain TeezerWhat 3 Famous Thinkers Said About the Meaning of - Erin McCarthy“What is the meaning of life?” is simultaneously one of the oldest questions in philosophy and a relatively new concept: While the quest for purpose …
Brain TeezerNoumenal and Phenomenal: What Were Kant’s ‘Two Worlds’? - Maysara KamalAccording to Immanuel Kant, there are two worlds out there: the one that we inhabit, and the one that we can never even fathom. The phenomenal world …
Brain Teezer15 Examples of Dialectic Thinking & How it Can Broaden Your - by Rachel HorneDialectical thinking (also known as both/and thinking) helps you look at a situation from various perspectives so you can get closer to the truth, no …
Brain TeezerStoryboardEpicureanism: The Pursuit of Simple Pleasures Curated byTheCollectorThe Greek philosopher Epicurus taught that pleasure was the highest good. He believed that by removing anxiety and enjoying life’s simple pleasures we could be happy.