Bird’s nest fern is more adaptable than other ferns. “Its thick fronds hold up better to dry air and missed waterings—and it has a fun architectural …
12 Houseplants You’ll Probably Regret
You might want to avoid houseplants that are finicky, prone to problems, cause allergies or could injure children or pets.
Chives add flavor to any dish, but don’t sprinkle them on your dog’s food. The leaves of these plants are toxic to dogs in certain quantities just …
Cats are one of the most beloved pets in the country. Anyone who owns a cat probably isn’t surprised to learn that over 40 million U.S. homes include …
On This Page Houseplants You Can’t Kill Some of us may not have the greenest of thumbs, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying all the benefits of …
Seeing sticky stuff on your houseplants? This is a sure sign that your indoor plants have bugs. Here’s how to protect your plants and treat the most …
Beware of overwatering this eye-catching peperomia. Find a sweet spot by planting it in well-draining potting soil and watering regularly but letting …
Story courtesy of the National Garden BureauOrchidaceae, the orchid family, is a diverse group of flowering plants. The fluttering intricate blooms …
Snake PlantDracaena spp.A snake plant is one of the best houseplants for beginners and frequent vacationers because it can be left alone …
No sunlight, no problem! We recommend some of the best houseplants for low light growing conditions or rooms with indirect light. Our editors and …