Bruce CrouchetWho Won the First Battle of Bull Run in the Civil War? - Owen RustThe Civil War began with a bang in 1861. Was the South really prepared to fight for independence? Its resolve would be tested in the conflict’s first …
Bruce CrouchetWho Won the Battle of New Orleans (US Civil War)? - Owen RustIn 1861, the Union placed the Confederacy under a naval blockade. With its large navy, it could threaten Southern coastal cities, especially vibrant …
Bruce CrouchetThe Horrors of Gangrene During the American Civil - Molly DowdeswellGangrene was a terrifying disease that caused many deaths during the American Civil War. The miserable, cramped, and dirty conditions on the front …
Bruce CrouchetThe Sociocultural Effects of the American Civil - Owen RustThe American Civil War (1861-65) was primarily about slavery, which caused the South to secede from the rest of the United States in order to …
Bruce CrouchetThe Lost Cause Philosophy of the American Civil War: Fact vs. - Madison WhippleThe Civil War between the United States and the Confederacy was fought over the issue of enslavement. Slavery was the cornerstone of the Southern …
Bruce CrouchetThe Economic Impact of the American Civil - Owen RustPrior to the American Civil War, the South primarily relied on unpaid slave labor to grow and harvest cash crops, most paper money consisted of …