"I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”--Thomas Sowell
Chad Mach
Americans of both parties say socialism when they mean welfare programs because politicians try to avoid one loaded term by using another to manipulate their constituents’ behavior.
Few are expert enough in corruption and cronyism to understand California’s water supply system.
When you say “here’s the reality” you should address system incentives to build housing in area vulnerable to fire, such as politicians artificially mandating insurance rates without risk mitigating code requirements to reduce flammability.
Tough to take the high road while blatantly insider trading. The system incentivizes that behavior, but spare us the righteous indignation.
So much great assessment of others while blind to a false assumption. It’s not just the Republicans “collaborating.” The two main US parties are neighbors on the spectrum of politics, not poles, and both blame the other for the failures resulting from their collaboration to avoid blame by their constituents. The Biden Administration chose an unqualified special prosecutor for Trump. The DNC chose Harris to run. Collaboration.