Lock screen widgets definitely seem to be one of the most popular new features for the iPhone and iOS 16. Lock in Your Music Part of a larger overhaul …
Apps Every Music Lover Should Own
Do you love music? We've compiled the best music apps for music discovery, listening, singing, lyrics and more! So, grab your headphones, sit back, and enjoy the tunes.
A Better Music Player Of course, being the music junkie that you are means that you don't go anywhere without a library of music loaded right on your …
You’ve probably seen the viral OpenAI GPT-3 chatbot. If you haven’t, it uses AI to answer questions and even carry on a conversation. For example, you …
In a band but don’t feel like you’re getting the exposure you deserve? SPRK MUSIC is here to change all of that. This is a brand new social media …
Harness the DJ inside you with the latest Remix Sessions added to Apple’s GarageBand app. Just added to the app is Katy Perry’s “Harleys in Hawaii” …