
The Lammergeier, also known as the bearded vulture, is no ordinary bird. With a massive wingspan and a fiery, red-tinted appearance, this vulture doesn’t just scavenge—it thrives on bones. Soaring high over rugged mountain ranges, it breaks bones by dropping them from the sky, feasting on what other predators leave behind. But there’s a mysterious side too—it dyes its feathers in iron-rich mud, and no one is quite sure why. What drives this bone-breaking, iron-bathing giant of the skies? The ans

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How the Mighty Lammergeier Thrives on a 90% Bone-Based Diet
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    How the Mighty Lammergeier Thrives on a 90% Bone-Based Diet

    How the Mighty Lammergeier Thrives on a 90% Bone-Based Diet

    The Lammergeier, also known as the bearded vulture, is no ordinary bird. With a massive wingspan and a fiery, red-tinted appearance, this vulture …

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