If you're a bird, I'm a bird.
Will Gallagher
I'm a 20-something former engineer. Champs live, champs die, champs fight.
- Will Gallagherflipped into Champ's Lunch
Meat &
Knives &
Grills &
BeerWill Gallagherflipped into Champ's LunchShut the fuck up, Pharrell.
Will Gallagherflipped into Champ's LunchWhen you're right, you're right. Listen, I'm all for drugs, sex, and whatever other cool stuff comes along with EDM... But music should be enjoyable without those things too. Call me crochety, but I'm glad I'm too "old" for this stuff already.
Will Gallagherflipped into Champ's LunchDidn't even read this, but the title is phenomenal.
Will Gallagherflipped into Champ's LunchPower move by Billy G. I'd give the iPhone 2 more years before it's taken over as top selling phone.
Will Gallagherflipped into Champ's Lunch