Amanda Webb
Content Marketing Addict. I work with businesses to help them slay the content gremlins and develop digital marketing strategies that work. Also enjoy stroking cats and watching Dr. Who.
Do you ever get that feeling that you are doing too much? You’ve updated Instagram, now Facebook, now Twitter, what about Snapchat? Have you looked at LinkedIn recently? What about that new site everyone is talking about?
Your mind is all over the place. You need to run your business but how will people know you are here unless you keep on top of your social networks? If you stop posting your blog posts to Reddit will people stop reading?Today we’re going to talk about blog measurement. Measurement has been a journey for me. When I first started blogging all I looked at were the numbers. How many people visited my site, what posts did they look at?
As a marketing beginner this is common and in some ways seeing my stats rise from week to week kept me going. It wasn’t long before I wanted to know more.What is a KPI?
Sometimes marketing jargon can make things sound complicated. When I first heard the term KPI I had to do an online search to see what it meant. Even then I thought it was something for corporations and big business.
But no, KPIs are for all of us and they’re actually quite simple to set and measure.Setting up Google analytics goals can help you measure your websites success.
Instead of looking at site visitors or page views you can delve into your analytics and find out what is driving people to sign up to your mailing list, buy or even view specific content on your site.
If you haven’t set them up yet you should, they’re pretty cool. Read on to find out why.Share of voice is one of those horrible marketing terms that just means nothing right?
It might sound like that but it can be a handy way to measure your social media success.