💡 Is Honey Really Saving You Money? Think Again.
As a business professional or creator, you probably know the power of affiliate marketing. But what if a popular tool was actively stealing your commissions?
Honey, the browser extension owned by PayPal, has been accused of:
1️⃣ Overriding affiliate links to claim commissions.
2️⃣ Withholding better discounts to favor partner stores.
3️⃣ Deceiving users and creators alike with false claims.
This exposé dives deep into the shady practices behind Honey. If you’re a creator, marketer, or online shopper, this is a must-read.
📖 https://nzouat.com/how-honey-is-scamming-influencers-and-consumers/
#AffiliateMarketing #DigitalMarketing #PayPal #ECommerce
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