Maishaflipped into CurrentThe Introverts Have Taken Over the US Economyverified_publisherBloomberg Opinion - By Allison SchragerDuring the pandemic, a lot of Americans had to stay home — and many discovered that they preferred staying in to going out. A hip and sophisticated friend, a longtime New Yorker, complained to me recently about a potential date. “He wanted to meet at 6 o’clock for dinner,” she said. “Can you …
Maishaflipped into MoneyParents, Young Adult Children and the Transition to AdulthoodPew Research Center - By Rachel Minkin, Kim Parker, Juliana Menasce Horowitz and Carolina AragãoAs parents watch their young adult children navigate the transition to adulthood, they’re feeling more proud and hopeful than disappointed or worried. …
Maishaflipped into MoneyCiti to Cut 20,000 Roles in Fraser’s Bid to Boost Returnsverified_publisherBloomberg - By Todd GillespieCitigroup Inc. said it will eliminate 20,000 roles in a move that will save it as much as $2.5 billion as part of Chief Executive Officer Jane …
Maishaflipped into CurrentGoing freelance full time in 2024? Here’s how to make it workverified_publisherFast Company - BY Brian HonigmanWhether you’re new to freelancing or looking to make it a long-term career, here are 10 useful tips from those who are doing it full time. You’re not taught in school that being a freelancer is even an option to consider. As a result, it’s a less clearly defined career trajectory. A common …
Maishaflipped into CurrentShippers facing huge wave of rocketing ocean rates and new surcharges - The - By Alexander Whiteman 05/01/2024The contagion of skyrocketing container freight rates has now spread from the Asia-Europe tradelane, to the transpacific, and is also about to hit …
Maishaflipped into MoneyPepsi, Lay’s dropped by one of the world’s biggest grocers over price hikesverified_publisherThe Washington Post - Jaclyn PeiserCarrefour stores in France, Italy, Belgium and Spain will no longer sell PepsiCo products France-based Carrefour, one of the world’s largest grocery chains, told customers Thursday it is pulling Lay’s, Doritos, Lipton Ice Tea and other PepsiCo products in protest of increased prices. Stores in …