AvatarBenedikt Bergmannflipped into Benedikt's Power Platform BlogMove to managed solutionsbenediktbergmann.eu - BenediktMy recommendation, as well as Microsoft’s, is to only use managed solutions for environments other than the development environment. This often leads …
AvatarBenedikt Bergmannflipped into Benedikt's Power Platform BlogSet up Workload Identity federation for ADO Connection » Benedikt's Power Platform Blogbenediktbergmann.eu - BenediktApplication ID and client secret were the preferred way of authenticating Azure DevOps (ADO) to a Dataverse instance. For a few months, there has …
AvatarBenedikt Bergmannflipped into Benedikt's Power Platform BlogFlipboardIcon version of the Flipboard logoHow to work with connection Referencesbenediktbergmann.eu - BenediktIn one of my older posts, I described how connections and connection references work. I still often get asked how one can properly work with …
AvatarBenedikt Bergmannflipped into Benedikt's Power Platform BlogWhy use managed solutions » Benedikt's Power Platform Blogbenediktbergmann.eu - BenediktEvery now and then I get asked why someone should use managed solutions. We also had a discussion internally recently because some of our projects …
AvatarBenedikt Bergmannflipped into Benedikt's Power Platform BlogImprove Solution import time » Benedikt's Power Platform Blogbenediktbergmann.eu - BenediktMicrosoft is investing a lot in advancements in the overall Application Lifecycle Management process and capabilities. One area they already made a …
AvatarBenedikt Bergmannflipped into Benedikt's Power Platform BlogGeneric TS/JS to open a Custom Page » Benedikt's Power Platform Blogbenediktbergmann.eu - BenediktIn the last few weeks, I have created TS/JS functions/snippets for several projects to open a custom Page from a ribbon button within a model-driven …